Carla Sozzani and her love for Jacobsen's work

Carla Sozzani is well known to lovers of fashion and design, if it weren't for the gallerist being the founder of what was probably the first concept store internationally, 10 Corso Como. Possessing an impeccable aesthetic sense, Sozzani is a self-confessed admirer of Arne Jacobsen's work, something clearly visible in her home and studio in Milan. Her fascination with the Danish designer's creations began in the 70s and continues to this day. "When I set up my first apartment in 1973, I bought Series 7 chairs in bright red. Later, when I moved to London, I collected the entire Cylinda collection. Then I started putting the Egg armchair everywhere. It's the perfect armchair to In my opinion, nothing can compete with its form", says the gallerist.

Carla Sozzani

↑ Carla Sozzani in her studio

Her house on the outskirts of Milan, designed in the 1930s by the humanist architect Pier Giulio Magistretti, father of Vico Magistretti, is an eclectic and lived-in environment, reflecting the creative universe of the gallerist and her partner, the American artist Kris Ruhs. "“As it is a house designed by Magistretti, the proportions are perfect. I have lived here for over 30 years, I have changed many things during that period. A house does not always stay the same, just as my tastes change. I knocked down walls , I removed doors, I'm constantly moving things. I don't understand people who hire an interior designer to create a home for them. It takes all the joy out of research! Where's the pleasure in that?"

Carla Sozzani

↑ Your apartment in Milan

Over the years, one of Carla Sozzani's pleasures has been to carefully collect pieces of art and furniture, especially Arne Jacobsen's creations for Fritz Hansen . While her aesthetic sensibilities may have evolved over the years, her love for these pieces has never wavered, proving that timeless design always finds its place.

↑ The exterior space of the apartment

↑ Contemporary art, books and furniture