Enter Olivier Bec and Syra Schenk's home

Olivier Bec and Syra Schenk live in the heart of Paris, close to the Opéra Garnier, in a cozy apartment that is both their home and office. In this airy space with lots of natural light, all the furniture was hand-picked, but this is not surprising because Olivier is the founder of a furniture store in the French capital that represents some of the best international brands, such as Paris:Sete. "We have been here for several years. The initial idea was to have a place that had several functions: an office to hold meetings with clients and a space to live at the back of the apartment. That's why we decided to settle on Boulevard des Italiens, which "It's a central location. The neighborhood doesn't seem residential, but the Jardin des Tuileries is just two streets away and we love going there with our son," says Olivier.

The style of the apartment is eclectic, lived-in and relaxed, with a mix of design classics, art, plants, books and a vast collection of chairs. "I like chairs and when I see one I like I never question whether it will match the rest", reveals Olivier. "We like to be spontaneous and add a piece to the house when it catches our eye. And, truth be told, none of our chairs are the same, which doesn't bother me at all. I really like it and admire the variety we have. I find it a little boring when everything is coming together", adds Syra, who has an agency that helps new fashion brands establish themselves in the market.

Of all the pieces in the apartment, USM's modular furniture is what stands out the most, being present in various spaces, from the living room and home office to the son's bedroom. "Being Swiss, I knew USM very well, to the point of always associating it with work, as I had USM furniture in my office in Switzerland. I would be surprised if there was an office without USM furniture in my country! I had difficulty imagining my life without USM, because it's a very practical system. It's so versatile and easy to make it our own. That's the beauty of the system, we can do whatever we want with it," says Syra. "Some of our USM modules already have many stories to tell! The living room piece has already changed shape many times and has accompanied us in our various homes. The modular design is its true advantage. I say the same to my clients. Be in an apartment or office, in an owned or rented house, eventually there will be a move and all the furniture will have to be rearranged", concludes Olivier.

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